

Larong Pinoy: Traditional Games from Yesterday Played by the Youth of Today

I am one example of a Filipino whose formative years were not all about PSP and game apps on tablets; I grew up with games played outside of the confines of our house. I grew up with games with lots of interaction with friends, family, and neighbors. In my early formative years we played piko,…


Foamtastic Fun at the #Neon Acquaintance Party

Year after year, the Acquaintance Party has been a fun way to cap off the beginning of the Goldenstate school year, and this year’s event was no different.  On July 31, students, faculty, and honored guests converged upon the Anchor Driving Range for food, music, and the enjoyment of each other’s company.  However, this time…


Koronadal Makes a Great Showing at the 2015 HRM Skills Competition

The Annual HRM Skills Competition – sponsored by Petron Gasul – was a showcase of the talent and creativity of Goldenstate College’s HRM students at the KCC Convention Center on February 23 and 24.  Over those two days, students from both the General Santos and Koronadal campuses rolled, molded, folded, and arranged with great precision…


Goldenstate Shines Bright at Christmastime with the Light-a-Tree Countdown

The holiday season is in full swing, and before everyone goes back home to spend Christmas with family, Goldenstate kicked off the month’s festivities on December 1 with the inaugural Light-a-Tree Countdown celebration. Spearheaded by Mr. John Manilay, Head of the Development Office, the Light-a-Tree Countdown is the culmination of the efforts of students, faculty,…


9th Tuna Skills Olympics

The Tuna Skills Olympics sponsored by the Goldenstate College Inc. is one of the highlights of the annual Tuna Festival celebrated in General Santos City, The Tuna Capital of the Philippines. This series of competitions provides schools from all over Mindanao a competitive space to showcase their talents in various areas related to the hospitality…


Goldenstate Works Out its Bodies (and Minds) During Intramurals 2014

Did you notice Division 4 is once again the overall champion of Intramurals 2014? I hear Sir. Chris Mordeno, the division’s adviser, musing about his students having to do their best to win in every activity that they will be participating, deploying all of the students that have the suitable talents and skills for the…

We work hard to prepare every student for their professional life Our courses offer a good compromise between the continuous assessment favoured by some universities and the emphasis placed on final exams by others.
